
Webinar: Tea, Toast and Tucker – Voice Analytics

In this virtual session, Simon Black, CEO of Awaken Intelligence and Pierce Buckley, Founder & CEO of babelforce, show how you can embrace automation to implement positive change in your contact centre. See how automation makes it as easy as possible for customers to contact you and provides step by step guidance for your agents.

Watch this session to discover:

  • How to replace IVR with conversational AI and automation
  • How automation gives agents real-time active guidance
  • How to integrate all agent actions with your other systems

From the Blog

How Reducing Agent Effort Can Support Performance Improvement

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How artificial intelligence (in particular LLMs) can assist agents in the contact center 

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The Psychology of Contact Centre Work: Understanding and Mitigating Stress Triggers   

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Summer is on the way – is your contact centre ready?

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Tethr and Awaken Intelligence Join Forces as Creovai

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